If you’ve got the room, a family in Texas is willing to sell you their 1,000-pound fur baby.

Karen Schoeve placed a Craigslist ad listing the tame, housebroken bison named Bullet for sale. The ad has since been removed, but The Associated Press reports that the asking price for the 8-year-old animal was $6,000.

There is one important condition that the new owners must agree to, according to Schoeve. Bullet has grown accustomed to being around people and Schoeve wants the new owners to continue to socialize the animal.

Schoeve said Bullet is even allowed inside the family’s home. The reason for parting with Bullet is that the large animal needs more space to roam.

Housebroken Buffalo for Sale in Argyle

Do you know anyone who could use a 1,000-pound housebroken buffalo in their life? Bullet the Buffalo is for sale in Argyle. FULL STORY: http://on.wfaa.com/1WtDBdZ

Posted by WFAA on Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Associated Press contributed to this report.