New Mexico police said a 12-year-old girl was stuck with a sewing needle while taking a bite out of a candy bar after trick-or-treating Wednesday night, KOB reported.

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"It's pretty ridiculous. It's very cruel and this child got hurt, so it's very upsetting that that happened," Albuquerque police Officer Simon Drobik told KRQE.

The needle impaled the top of the girl's mouth as she bit into a 3 Musketeers candy bar, police told KOB. The child's mother put the needle in a plastic bag and took it to the hospital, the television station reported. Police are having the candy wrapper tested for DNA.

"We want to make sure everyone in the city knows, double check that candy, look at the candy, make sure it hasn't been unwrapped," Drobik told KOB. "A needle is very easily inserted into a small candy bar, so it wouldn't appear to be tampered with, yet it was."