Apparently our president doesn't know anything about what's going on. No knowledge of NSA spying on allies. No knowledge of Obamacare website shortfalls. No acknowledgement of 22 million unemployed or underemployed Americans. You'd think with his connections, he'd have some information.

We are getting to a place in time where the only people we should allow to vote are the working, taxpaying people.

The federal government is on a fixed income just as many households are. When the household spends more than they take in, they have to cut back on their spending instead of asking for a raise in their credit card limits. The federal government should be required to do the same.

For someone who is proclaimed to be the smartest person to ever hold the office of POTUS, President Obama sure is clueless.

If you are tired of political races where the best choice is nothing more than the lesser of two evils, then we need to take the "money" out of being a congressman or senator.

Remember the lesser of the two evils is still evil.

The tech guru hired to fix the Obamacare web site glitch was in charge of Cash for Clunkers.

I wonder if a new stadium can help the Falcons? Instead, just spend billions of dollars to buy a new team.

We already have a great system - it's called Medicare. Why not extend it to all? That would certainly make everything a lot easier.

If we can put a man on the moon, why can't we put them all there?

Why do law enforcement agencies patrol the streets and interstates in gas-guzzling SUVs? Is a ticket worth thousands of dollars in gas?