The Vent for Thursday

Women… if you are going out with a married man and you know he is married, then you are his mistress not his girlfriend.

Every government program, no matter how good it is, will be abused by politicians.

DC mantra: I see nuh-thing! I hear nuh-thing! I know nuh-thing!

What part of "Lights On When Raining" do you not understand?

You ask why Congress sets in place things that hurt all of us and benefits them. They do not understand they work FOR us, not the other way around. Anyone from any party that votes against us should go.

I'm sure Kasim Reed is making a fortune pushing for this new stadium. Isn't that what politics is all about?

It's so hard to read your mind when there's nothing there.

If you use your cell phone in public, you have jeopardized your privacy without government intervention.

Tax incentives for purchasing electric or hybrid vehicles are NOT going to lower the purchase price.

Comcast phone + home alarm system + Comcast "maintenance" = heart attack at 3:15 a.m. when our phone goes down and alarm goes off! Get with it, Comcast! We pay you too much for that kind of "service."

Republicans agree to raise taxes in exchange for $80 billion in spending cuts from a $3 trillion budget. You should be ashamed of an administration that can only meet that goal by cutting cancer patient drug benefits.

If you're having conversations about blowing up this country, I hope the government is listening to you.

"The problem about facts on the internet, you don't know whether they are true or not." -- Abraham Lincoln

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