I officially give up hope that politicians care even a little about the welfare of their constituents.

A furlough usually means you are laid off for that period of time and will not be paid! How typical of the federal government to pay people for not working!

I've worked in the software biz for a long time. The Obamacare web site was not "glitchy." Pure and simple, it didn't work and was useless to the intended audience.

Since when does "worked out a compromise" and "caved to the Dems" mean the same thing ?

It amazes me how gullible some people are.

When the Congressmen came out of their Wednesday meeting, the press should have greeted them with cream pies. Then the joke would have been complete.

Can we register the D.C. politicians for the "Running of the Bulls" in Conyers this weekend?

Thanks to the few brave GOP members who voted "NO." Represent the people who elected you, or get out.

People on Social Security or Medicare wouldn't give them up because they have paid a lot into the system. That doesn't mean it isn't broken of a terrible scam.

D.C.'s dysfunction trickles down. It shows.

Let's just set the debt limit to 1000 centillion and get rid of this paltry trillion limit that's sooo 1990's.

Sponsors needed for O.A. (Oreos Anonymous).

Has anyone noticed how the Vents on the bottom are hateful and full of name calling?

Death by Oreo? Have you ever heard of obesity and the multitude of potentially fatal diseases caused by it?

Mark Cuban wins civil trial. How do these billionaires keep winning these trials? I just don't understand.

The Tea Party scares me!