Q: Did Darren Wilson carry a Taser, and if so, why didn’t he use it against Michael Brown instead of his gun?

—Charles Tatter, Marietta

A: Wilson, the Ferguson, Mo., police officer who fatally shot Brown on Aug. 9, didn't have a Taser, or stun gun, according to his St. Louis County grand jury testimony. "We only have a select amount," he said. "Usually there is one available, but I usually elect not to carry one. It is not the most comfortable thing. They are very large. I don't have a lot of room in the front for it to be positioned." Wilson said he was trained to use a Taser. He also opted not to use Mace, which was on the left side of his belt. "The chances of it being effective were slim to none," Wilson said. "(Brown's) hands were in front of his face. It would have blocked the Mace from hitting him in the face." Wilson testified for four hours.

A: How did Tom Magliozzi, of “Car Talk,” do the show while he had Alzheimer’s disease? How long did they do it while he had the disease?

—Ed Ross, Sandy Springs

Q: Magliozzi, who died on Nov. 3, and his younger brother Ray stopped recording their radio show "Car Talk" in June 2012. The show has been heard in reruns for more than two years. The brothers were known as "Click and Clack the Tappet Brothers" and recorded the popular show, which was heard on NPR, for 25 years.

Andy Johnston wrote this column. Do you have a question about the news? We’ll try to get the answer. Call 404-222-2002 or email q&a@ajc.com (include name, phone and city).

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