Q: After Michael Brown was killed, news reports stated that he was to begin college this year. To which college had Brown been accepted?
—Mike Cosgrove, Mableton
A: Brown was planning on attending Vatterott College, friends say, but the school wouldn't confirm or deny if Brown was enrolled. "As a matter of policy, we do not disclose the enrollment status of current students or those who may have plans to attend Vatterott College," Pamela Bell, CEO and president of Vatterott Educational Centers, said in a statement.
Brown wanted to study heating and air conditioning repair at Vatterott, a for-profit career-training institute that has 19 locations in nine states. Brown was killed by Ferguson, Mo., Police Department officer Darren Wilson on Aug. 9.
Q: At one time, to lessen traffic on the connector, trucks were required to go around Atlanta on I-285 unless they had deliveries inside the perimeter. Is that still true?
—Ray Prior, Newnan
A: Trucks with more than six wheels are not allowed inside I-285, according to the Georgia Department of Public Safety and Georgia Code 40-6-51, except for the following reasons:
To pick up or make deliveries “to or from a shipper physically located inside I-285.”
To travel to or from a carrier’s terminal located inside I-285.
To travel to or from a repair facility located inside I-285.
A driver is traveling to or from their residence located inside I-285.
Buses and motor coaches are not included.
Andy Johnston wrote this column. Do you have a question about the news? We’ll try to get the answer. Call 404-222-2002 or email q&a@ajc.com (include name, phone and city).
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