Q: My question is regarding DeKalb County fire hydrants. I see different colors painted on them. What do those colors signify?

—Kay Laurenco, Stone Mountain

A: DeKalb County is in the process of implementing a system that will tell firefighters the amount of water and pressure each hydrant will supply.

That will assist firefighters in knowing the right hose for the hydrant.

The colors include red (less than 500 gallons per minute), orange, green and light blue (for hydrants that can produce 1,500 or more gallons per minute).

DeKalb Fire Rescue and DeKalb Watershed Management will test and paint more than 23,000 fire hydrants within the county in accordance with National Fire Protection Agency standards.

Q: In the movie “I Dreamed of Africa,” Kim Basinger played a woman named Kuki Gallmann who owned a conservation ranch in Kenya. In the credits, it stated that Kuki and her daughter still run this ranch and are active in anti-poaching efforts. Are they making progress in slowing poaching?

—William McKee Jr., Flowery Branch

A: Kuki Gallmann and her daughter Sveva own Ol ari Nyiro Conservancy in Kenya, which was once a cattle ranch but now is a nature conservancy.

The preserve employs 40 rangers and plans to add more observation posts, a dog team and airplane to further protect the wildlife.

“We are very active in anti-poaching,” Gallman told Q&A on the News in an email.

Efforts to stop poachers may be making some headway. The Kenyan government stated 164 elephants and 35 rhinos were killed in 2014, down from 302 elephants and 59 rhinos in 2013.

Basinger has not been involved in the Gallmanns’ anti-poaching work, Kuki Gallmann wrote.

Andy Johnston wrote this column; Allison Floyd contributed. Do you have a question about the news? We’ll try to get the answer. Call 404-222-2002 or email q&a@ajc.com (include name, phone and city).