Q: I read about the death of the teacher who had a tree fall on her house. The article says homeowners are advised to check for dangers. Who can we contact if we have questions or concerns about the health of a large tree on our property?
—Susan Radulovacki, Atlanta
A: Arborists, sometimes called tree doctors, are trained "in the art and science of planting, caring for and maintaining individual trees," the International Society of Arboriculture states at isa-arbor.com. They can recommend pruning, tree removal, planting and suggestions to keep the tree healthy, including treatments for insects, disease or problems with its location. There are many arborists in the Atlanta area, including several listed on the Better Business Bureau's website (bbb.org/Atlanta) or on the Georgia Arborist Association's website (georgiaarborist.org). Patricia Pusha, a science teacher at Ronald E. McNair Middle School, died when a 60-foot oak tree fell on her home on Oakcliff Road on April 20.
Q: I saw on the news a story about a man who has been arrested 66 times. Could you provide more information on this situation?
—Buddy King, Conley
A: Michael Wilcox, 45, has been arrested 66 times for crimes in Fulton County, including aggravated assault, disorderly conduct, sexual battery and trespassing, dating to 1987, the AJC reported. Wilcox, whose most recent arrest on April 28 was for an attempted purse snatching at an Atlanta gas station, was arrested four times in 2014 and again in January, according to Fulton County Jail records.
Andy Johnston wrote this column. Do you have a question about the news? We’ll try to get the answer. Call 404-222-2002 or email q&a@ajc.com (include name, phone and city).
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