A suspect has been arrested after a North Carolina man was brutally beaten during a carjacking at a car wash, police said. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department officers arrested Cesar Walker Jr. the weekend after the Sept. 14 incident.
The victim, Robert Spencer, said he was at the car wash to clean out his wife's car when Walker approached him and asked to use his phone, claiming his car had broken down. (WSOC-TV)
"As soon as [the attacker] got through with the phone, he started assaulting the victim," said Lt. J.T. Flynn of the Stallings Police Department.
Spencer said his assailant, whom he identified as Walker, grabbed a tire iron and used a pair of steel scissors as impromptu brass knuckles and began raining down blows on his head, face and chest.
Spencer said Walker tried to force him to the car, claiming he had a gun, but Spencer said he fought back by elbowing him in the mid-section. Walker eventually jumped into Spencer's car and sped off, Spencer said.
Police said Spencer managed to crawl to a nearby gas station, where he collapsed inside.
In the 911 call, a store clerk told dispatchers, "There's a man that just came stumbling in and he has been beaten in the head and now he is laying on the floor."
Spencer said he received more than 30 stitches for his head injuries.
Police said hey tracked the phone number Walker had called from Spencer's cellphone for several days and discovered it led to Walker's mother, who lives in Charlotte, N.C.
Investigators said they arrested Walker on felony assault and robbery charges. He was jailed on a $50,000 bond.
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