The first Clinton-Trump debate is history.
But those non-partisan fact-checkers from PolitiFact are still on the job, trying to parse political truth from political fiction.
Abbreviated versions of our fact checks are below.
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Donald Trump said this:
“You will learn more about Donald Trump by going down to the Federal Election Commission” to see the financial disclosure form than by looking at tax returns.
An observer would find valuable information about Trump’s personal financial holdings from his extensive financial-disclosure form.
However, experts consider that a red herring.
Unlike all presidential nominees since 1980, Trump has not released his tax returns, which experts say would offer valuable details on his effective tax rate, the types of taxes he paid, and how much he gave to charity.
We rate Trump’s statement False.
Hillary Clinton said this:
“The only years that anybody’s ever seen” of Donald Trump’s tax returns “showed he didn’t pay any federal income tax.”
Those records, covering five years of returns, report that in three of the five years Trump did pay federal income taxes. In two years he did not.
The tax returns themselves remain secret.
Clinton’s statement contains an element of truth but ignores critical facts that would give a different impression.
We rate Clinton’s claim Mostly False.
Clinton said this: Donald Trump “publicly invited Putin to hack into Americans’ (emails).”
Trump said at a press conference in South Florida that he hoped Russia was able to find “the 30,000 emails that are missing.”
That was a reference to Clinton’s emails, not Americans’ emails more broadly.
We rate Clinton’s claim Half True.
Trump made this claim: “I did not — I did not — I do not say that. I do not say that” climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese.”
He certainly did say it — in a tweet four years ago.
He has since described that remark as a “joke.”
But Trump has repeatedly called climate change a “hoax” in speeches, tweets and media appearances.
But he hasn’t pushed this exact theory in recent years, as far as we’ve seen.
We rate his statement Mostly False.
Trump said this: Clinton flipped on the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership, a controversial trade agreement that critics say could take away jobs in the U.S.
Trump’s correct here. Clinton was for it as Secretary of State under Obama.
Now she opposes it.
Trump gets a True on this one.
Trump said he never supported the Iraq War.
He’s been all over the place on this issue.
Before the war began Trump is on the record supporting it.
He later opposed the war. Clinton voted for the war.
We rate Trump’s statement False.
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