A roundup of editorials includes how Democrats reacted to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Title IX remarks, how private individuals reacted quicker in response to Hurricane Harvey than government officials,

1. Democrats abandon due process legacy for flawed sexual assault policy

From The Hill: “But DeVos’s unusually powerful remarks (on new Title IX regulations) — and the furious opposition they generated from some Democrats — confirmed a remarkable political transition, in which congressional Democrats, long at least somewhat sympathetic to campus civil liberties, have emerged as bitter foes of campus due process.”

2. Government Barriers to Private Solutions

From Veronique de Rugy: “It's a good thing the private sector didn't wait for the Federal Emergency Management Agency to do all the work, because the government would have been unable to handle everything on its own.”

3. Dianne Feinstein and the Left revive religious tests

From The Washington Examiner: “Feinstein's apparent view, that a faithful Catholic who listens to Rome's teachings is therefore unfit for a judgeship, is a foul assault on America's founding principles. Sadly, it's also increasingly in vogue in the mainstream of the Left and the Democratic Party.”

4. The Case for Fewer Lawyers

From The Wall Street Journal: “Why are legal services so expensive if there is an ample supply of lawyers?”