The Nordic Society of Inventions and Discovery claims it is trying to create a wearable device which will be able to read dogs' brainwaves, interpret those thoughts and translate them into human language. The translation would then be transmitted to a built-in loud speaker for you to hear.

The project has been posted on the crowdfunding site Indiegogo in an effort to raise funding for the initiative.

Contributors have already committed more than $10,000 to the enterprise.

On No More Woof's Indiegogo, its representatives admit it is an ambitious and groundbreaking endeavor, "Never before has anyone made a serious attempt to apply this groundbreaking technology on man’s best friend."

Its founders claim they have already discovered a canine's brain patterns for thoughts such as "I'm hungry", and "I'm tired."

Donors will get the first version rudimentary No More Woof Micro, which can distinguish two to three thought patterns

It's unclear if "No More Woof " is actually a legitimate project, or perhaps the work of pranksters.