She’s only 4 days old. But if the story is true, this little girl could be trending within the week.

Social media world, meet little Hashtag Jameson. Yes, you read that right. Hashtag, as in #.

And she was born Saturday night, according to the online news site, Mashable. Various other websites have picked up the story, which is creating quite a buzz on Twitter.

A proud relative of baby Hashtag posted the news of her arrival on — wait for it — Facebook, according to various sites.

“Hashtag Jameson was born at 10 oclock last nite. She weys 8pounds and I luv her so much!!!!!” the message reads, according to the online image.

But so far, there’s no proof of whether a little girl really will grow up with the name or if its all an Internet hoax.

There’s also no word on a middle name. Or on whether her sibling will be named Retweet.