Our country needs to produce more here
President Barack Obama and members of Congress talk about the importance of reducing unemployment and how hard they are working to accomplish that goal.
There is a simple answer to reducing unemployment in this country, and that is to produce more products here and to buy less from China and other countries.
This country used to produce everything from textiles to televisions, and we had high employment.
We have to get our “balance of trade” in balance.
No country can have billions more in imports than exports and keep their labor force employed.
I believe in free trade, but not in allowing countries like China to ship unlimited amounts of cheap goods into this country and to place restrictions on products from America.
The president and Congress could reduce unemployment by setting tough tariffs on all non-essential goods from any country that exceeds a like amount in exports.
Americans may pay a few dollars more for goods, but the money would be going to hard-working, tax-paying Americans — not countries that don’t have our best interest at heart.
It’s a hard decision, but one that needs to be made.
People of faith killed by one filled with hate
The terrible shooting of Sikhs in Wisconsin causes the heart to grow sadder for our country of free people.
As an American and a Christian, the thought of people of faith preparing for a day of worship being killed by someone filled with hate is truly abhorrent.
As we reach out in these difficult days to those of the Sikh faith, I offer these sustaining words used at my church as we depart:
“May the Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.”
State too generous to non-citizens
The idea of funding transportation with a sales tax was, from the beginning, a very poor idea.
Our transportation system is used by many from outside the state and they should also pay a share.
The only way to equitably share the burden is through tolls and a fuel tax.
This places the weight on the backs of the users.
The idea of placing the entire cost on the citizens of Georgia was a very philanthropic move by our politicians concerning all those traveling through Georgia.
I do not know of another state that is so generous to non-citizens.