GOP’s made state worse
The state ranking of Georgia’s unemployment rate fell from 17 in Dec. 2002, the last month Georgia was governed by a Democrat, to 50 in August. During Gov. Sonny Perdue’s administration, the state ranking of Georgia’s unemployment rate fell from 17 to 42. During Gov. Nathan Deal’s administration, the ranking fell from 42 to 50.
The state ranking of Georgia’s median household income, fell from 15 in 2002, the last year Georgia was governed by a Democrat, to 33 in 2012.
No other state’s ranking for unemployment rate or median household income declined so much since 2002.
Governors Perdue and Deal get an “F” for both unemployment and median household income, the measures commonly used to determine how rich a state is. Thanks to them, the great state of Georgia is no longer great.
Embracing wrong culture hurts blacks
Jerome E. Morris writes that “too many black males are pushed out of schools and into prisons,” “These attitudes can kill” (Atlanta Forward, Sept. 18).
Nowhere does he address individual responsibility and choice.
Many young black males choose to ignore academics and embrace a culture of crime. This is true of many young whites as well.
Parental guidance and involvement is as big a factor as race in situations like this. Stop blaming everything on race.
Climate news timed to help Obama
The Associated Press article “NOAA: More heat records set in Aug,” (News, Sept. 19)reported that August 2014 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) global temperatures beat the record for 1998 and the months of June, July, and August also beat the record for 1998.
NOAA’s temperatures are based on stations spread around the planet that are subject to local influences like nearby air conditioning units. More accurate measurements are obtained from NASA satellite data from the University of Alabama-Huntsville that is available on the Internet. Satellite data shows August years of 1998, 2006, 2007, 2010, and 2012 were warmer than 2014. In addition, for June, July, and August the years 1998, 2010, and 2011 were warmer than 2014.
Borenstein’s article was timed to support President Obama’s climate program.