Columnist’s rants on

self-reliance misfire

I am a registered independent, and firmly believe in the two-party system. I read the “Balanced Views” section of the AJC daily. Sometimes, each side has good points. Sometimes, one side makes more sense than the other.

Thomas Sowell, however, should be an embarrassment to the conservative movement. His rantings regarding self-reliance (“Self-reliance undermines narrative of victimhood,” Opinion, Nov. 26) were inane.

He starts with a compelling story of a young, successful handicapped man. He then suggests that this young man’s achievement is a threat to the prevailing ideology. Thomas, what is that ideology? He goes on to say that “the last thing the political left needs, or can even afford, are self-reliant individuals,” and “Victimhood is where it’s at.”

It is this kind of baseless rhetoric that causes the moderate independent voters of this country not to vote for Democrats but, rather, to vote against Republicans.



Don’t make us pay for

mother’s bad choices

Regarding “Employers need a clue about workers’ struggles” (Opinion, Nov. 26), Ms. Sanchez rails about the needs of a single mom with three kids who should be paid more. Why? Because she has kids. Really?

This mother made poor choices, and now wants the world to bail her out. Why should we? These mothers should get the fathers to pay their child support, or improve their job skills and get a better job.

It’s like a junkie saying they can’t provide for their family because they made a stupid choice, can’t work, and the government should assume their responsibilities. This is nonsense.

Teen violence, and a culture in a tailspin, are attributable to moms who have no clue how to raise a child, much less take care of themselves. We should give them a chance to improve their situation with a “hand up” — but let’s get rid of hand-outs.



Subject of spoof, not

cartoonist, is ‘crass’

The author of “Cheneys are victims of artist’s crassness” (Readers write, Opinion, Nov. 25) seems to have missed the point of the clever Mike Luckovich cartoon (Opinion, Nov. 19).

To say Mr. Luckovich “wouldn’t have the nerve, in contrast, to characterize the present first family’s lavish lifestyle on the taxpayer dime” was off target. The cartoon was indicating a vice president who shot someone, and a sister’s betrayal — not a lavish Thanksgiving dinner.

Shouldn’t the adjectives “crude,” “base” and “crass” be projected onto that family’s behaviors — rather than onto the cartoonist who so aptly speaks the truth?



Official gets probation

where others get jail

Rep. Trey Radel was recently arrested for buying cocaine from an undercover agent and has been sentenced to a year’s probation. So that’s what happens to the “War on Drugs” when the individual arrested is white and powerful?

Meanwhile, poor black and Hispanic men and women who have been and are being charged with similar possession of marijuana and other drugs like cocaine serve lengthy prison sentences or live the rest of their lives under a felony arrest and/or conviction. Yet, some continue to refer to this as a “criminal justice system.” Where is the justice in the system?