Luckovich cartoon hypocritical on many levels

A letter by an admirer of cartoonist Mike Luckovich (“AJC is careful to balance opinion viewpoints,” Readers Write, Oct. 7) praises him for his cartoon of President Trump, Bill Cosby and Judge Kavanaugh, all of whom are portrayed as saying, “They’re all lying.” On the contrary, that cartoon was unfair and hypocritical. It was unfair to lump Trump and Kavanaugh, who haven’t been charged with, let alone convicted of, sexual misconduct, with Bill Cosby, who has been convicted by proof “beyond a reasonable doubt” by a jury. And it was hypocritical to leave out of that lineup the worst sexual predator of all, Bill Clinton – who also claimed all of his accusers were lying, and only admitted the truth about his misconduct with Monica Lewinsky when her blue dress was discovered, which, by the way, is called “corroboration.”


Voting should be encouraged, not hindered

When Georgians take their civic duty seriously and vote, they want their vote to count.

So recent news about Gwinnett County’s rejection of 390 absentee ballots is very disturbing (“Voting, civil rights groups home in on Gwinnett’s absentee rejections,” Oct. 16). The Lawyers’ Committee on Civil Rights Under Law stated that these absentee ballot rejections affect Asian, Black and Latino voters more than white voters.

To strengthen democracy, Georgia should make it easier to register and vote, not harder.

If any eligible, registered voters encounter obstacles to voting, we urge them to call 866-OUR-VOTE, for help from nonpartisan, trained volunteers.

To learn more about which Georgia candidates support meaningful action to protect our democracy, visit Common Cause’s interactive website

Election Day – Tuesday, November 6 — is when we get to have our say. Every vote matters.