Primitive weapon a cruel tool
How nice it was to read the uplifting story of the folks at the Georgia Sea Turtle Center and the Jacksonville Zoo who went to such great lengths to save the life of an injured bobcat on Jekyll Island (“Teamwork saves injured Jekyll Island bobcat,” News, Oct. 16). It was in such direct contrast to the rather sad and depressing story of the “the atlatl huntress” who was overjoyed to be the first woman to severely wound a deer with an ancient hunting tool called an atlatl (“Missouri Huntress takes down a deer, and critics,” News, Oct. 15). This primitive tool has been banned in all but three states as the likelihood of an animal being killed outright is so extremely remote. Usually, the animal will run off to suffer a prolonged and painful death as was the case in Missouri.
It is incredible and defies comprehension that this woman decided that this cruel activity or so-called sport was the perfect pastime to allow her to overcome a bad marriage.
What a pity it is that there are not more kind folks like those that saved the life of the bobcat instead of those who get gratification in the act of killing.
Allowing girls membership not the right move
What a sad missed opportunity for a legendary boys organization! Membership is declining so leadership decides on a “quick fix” to add girls. Instead, why not partner with athletic organizations to help the inner cities? The Boy Scouts of America provides such great leadership and training skills. Just think what a partnership with MLB, NFL, NBA, MLS, etc. could do to strengthen the development of youth in urban areas. What a tragic loss of an opportunity for an organization and the minority communities.
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