School responsibility shouldn’t end locally

As a Democrat, I am having great difficulty reconciling a “no” vote on Amendment 1 with my firm belief that greater accountability and oversight are needed in our public schools.

We’ve identified the stakeholders who are responsible for the education of our children as teachers, parents, school administrators and local, state and federal governments. Now, shouldn’t we find ways to hold everyone accountable for their part?

The answer to this questions is obviously yes. So, it is my belief that the process of accountability must begin at the local level, but it should not end there. When local government, local Board of Ed, administrators and teachers demonstrate a level of incompetence, mismanage our funds, and fail our kids, there must be an escalation process to the other stakeholders. For, they too are responsible for that failure, and should not be allowed plausible deniability or ignorance for that system failure. Voting “no” on Amendment 1 does just that. It provides absolution to state officials who also have a responsibility and/or culpability in any failed school and the miseducation of our children. For these reasons, I intend to vote “yes”.


Donald Trump unfit to be president

I see where USA Today has broken with tradition and proclaimed Donald Trump to be unfit to be president. Remember, Colin Powell has called Trump a national disgrace.

It is deeply disturbing that Donald Trump could actually be elected president. Even more disturbing is how many Americans would vote for a man who is so psychologically unfit to be president.