Milestones testing turns into millstone

I am a graduate student studying math education at the University of Georgia. I also teach eighth grade math at Clarke Middle School in Athens. Since switching to the Georgia Milestones tests this school year, we have experienced challenges, including using class time to test the software to make sure our students’ computers were able to handle it. During our five days of actual testing, we have had so many problems, I cannot even begin to count — computers freezing, students being logged out in the middle of testing, and students unable to receive their legally required accommodations. I have written a letter to CTB/McGraw-Hill demanding they take responsibility and return a fifth of the money they received from the state for these tests.


Rage arises from spiritual darkness

I hope the religious, civic and political leaders of Atlanta, Georgia and America take note of AJC columnist Jay Bookman’s potent message in his recent column, “How far is Atlanta from being another Baltimore?” (Opinion, April 29). Bookman identified the cause of America’s festering racial sores in quoting from Victor Hugo’s “Les Miserables”: “If the soul is left in darkness, sins will be committed. The guilty one is not merely he who commits the sin but he who causes the darkness.”

America was founded by men and women who appealed to “the Supreme Judge of the World” for his support in creating America. Their souls were filled with the bright light of hope for their future by that Supreme Judge. Unfortunately, America’s soul was “left in darkness” after that spiritual light that guided America to greatness was turned off by the enemies of freedom via America’s courts — they “who caused the darkness.”


Why not censor liberal teachers?

“It is not the place of the teachers to attempt to persuade students about religious or political beliefs,” says Dublin School Superintendent Chuck Ledbetter (“Obama remarks force teacher out of classroom,” Metro, April 29). Mr Ledbetter cannot possibly believe that. Do we think there were never any negative statements from teachers on George W. Bush’s presidency? And how often do we hear about schools’ “mandatory” sex ed classes being conducted without informing parents beforehand as to the content of said classes or whether they even want their children to be involved? What about all the wonderful things said and sung about the election of President Obama? Should they not be kept out of the classroom as well?

We can only assume teacher Nancy Perry has been a competent teacher for many years. She should keep her political/religious views to herself, but so should all the liberal teachers espousing their views every day and not being held accountable. The hypocrisy from the left is truly astounding.