Congress hasn’t worsened woes?

I read with fascination a writer’s letter (“Congress at fault for middle-class woes,” Readers Write, April 25) responding to comments from Ted Cruz regarding “left-wing” policies.

During the last eight years, we either had a lame-duck president, whose popularity was waning (G.W. Bush) and a House of Representatives controlled by Democrats, or else a left-wing Democratic president (Barack Obama), who for two years had a House controlled by Democrats. Since we have had a total of zero laws put into effect in those two years that were a result of overriding a presidential veto, could someone please point to any of the alleged laws that this supposedly “right-wing” Congress has actually been able to pass into law which has oppressed anyone?

Whereas, could the letter-writer show anyone a time in the last 100 years (including the last eight years) where the state or local government in New York — where Cruz was speaking — was controlled by a “right-wing” state or local lawmaking body and that the laws which they enacted has led to the financial circumstance in which New Yorkers now find themselves?


Dad not afraid of trans’ bathroom use

“Where are the fathers of this country?” asks the writer of “Bathroom policies open kids to harm” (Readers Write, April 28).

Right here. I’m a dad who cares to protect both his own and other people’s children, and, like most of us, I’m not afraid of the bogeyman. If I see a person presenting as a man entering the women’s room, or vice versa, I’ll do something about it. And if I see anyone presenting as anything ogling children anywhere, I’ll do something about that, too. Nothing about allowing transgender people to use the bathroom of their self-identified gender allows a depraved man in drag to use the girls’ room.