Cincinnati should be proud of zoo staff

It is a sad irony that the shooting of a gorilla, at the Cincinnati zoo, gets more emotional social media response than the over 30,000 people who die as a result of guns each year in the U.S. It is of course regrettable that any animal has to be killed, but in this case the citizens of Cincinnati should feel proud of their zoo’s emergency response team, who took swift action to save the 4-year-old child. Of course the child’s parents and the zoo authorities should consider what they could have done better, to avoid future tragedies.


Krauthammer right about global politics

Charles Krauthammer’s column of May 28, “For Obama, history’s arrow at last bends toward reality,” was an eye-opener. When we practiced containment to maintain peace, dictators such as Saddam Hussein were tolerated and even aided as the lesser of evils. It was naive to think that removing him would result in a peaceful democracy with all the warring extremist religious leaders in the region. He kept them under firm control.

Another example that comes to mind is our mistaken change of policy that removed Batista in Cuba. That resulted in the surprising replacement of a relatively peaceful dictatorship with a communist government which almost had Russian missiles 90 miles from Florida. Ask the Cubans who were assassinated, imprisoned, or who fled Cuba how that one worked out for them.

Our leaders should be smarter than that. Kissinger was, and Krauthammer is. When will the bleeding hearts learn about power and global politics?