No honor in Trump election win
A common theme among letters to the editor by Trump supporters is that the election is over and that “libtards” and “snowflakes” should just get over it. Allow me to clear up their confusion.
Most Americans are concerned about the last presidential election because it does not reflect the will of a majority of the people. For example, the majority of registered voters did not vote for Trump, whose victory was only made possible through gerrymandering, documented lies on Fox News and myriad conservative fake news outlets, extensive voter suppression efforts, the electoral college, and very possibly collusion with our greatest and most dangerous enemy working on behalf of Trump.
So you’re satisfied winning that way? Good for you. Just understand that the majority of Americans, and indeed the more civilized nations of the world, see no honor in your win. Because there is none.
Krugman keeps repeating liberal nonsense
I’m not saying Paul Krugman is guilty of plagiarism, but he is repeating the same old liberal mantra that I’ve heard all my life: Take from the rich and give to the poor — same old tired egalitarian nonsense (“Health bill is reflection of GOP cruelty,” Opinion, July 3). Rich people didn’t get rich by taking from the poor, they became wealthy through their own efforts and the efforts of their forefathers. Being poor for a great many of our citizens is by choice and by expecting their every need to be tended to by the government. Krugman’s propaganda is the same as that bleated endlessly by the liberal press, and the beneficiaries of welfare are happy to have the media on their side. Waste and fraud has to be cut back in order for those honestly in need to temporarily receive benefits, while not expecting a lifelong stream of income. Welfare cripples and robs people of ingenuity.
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