Trump did ask re: meddling, Putin said ‘no’

So Donald Trump was told to ask Putin about Russian involvement in the 2016 elections. Well, Trump did ask, and Putin denied any involvement. Putin kind of chuckled when asked because he knows the Democrats are dividing the country over these fake accusations. This is the time to show the world any evidence of Russian involvement. But there is no evidence, or it would have leaked out by now. If they want election involvement, why not look at the Obama administration using American taxpayers’ money to try to throw the Israeli elections to get Benjamin Netanyahu out of office? If they want Russian involvement, all they have to do is look at the Ukraine, where the Clintons paid millions of dollars for some fake information against Donald Trump. So Rosenberg releases indictments of 12 Russians involved in our elections. These charges had nothing to do with Trump or the 2016 elections; they go back to 2014, to the Obama administration.


Strzok hearing reminiscent of McCarthy era

I’ve witnessed the most disgraceful House of Representative hearing that I can remember, including the Army McCarthy hearing in the 1950s. FBI agent Peter Strzok, a lifelong patriot who has spent his adult life dedicated to serving the United States, was grilled by the Republicans on a committee reminiscent of the Star Chamber of the Spanish Inquisition of the 15th century. It became obvious the Republicans were not interested in getting answers from agent Strzok, not even giving him the courtesy of letting him complete his answers to their questions. Their intent was to make a statement undermining the Meuller investigation of Russia’s interfering in our 2016 election. Their only accomplishment was to drive America’s public opinion of Congress even lower than it was. The hearing was a waste of time and taxpayers’ money.