Hoping new ‘feel-good’ law decreases distracted driving
Georgia’s new distracted driving law is a “feel good” start to address a deadly serious problem, but I’m not optimistic it will have the hoped-for effect. Aside from its being devilishly difficult to detect and enforce, I suspect that inveterately distracted drivers accustomed to having their own way will quickly resort to clever – and inherently distracting – ruses to let them illegally engage in their dangerously self-serving activities without being detected. Unless and until all drivers accept they have a societal obligation to drive responsibly and while focused, accidents and avoidable deaths will continue. Ask yourself, “Would you take any form of public transportation knowing that the operator might be distractedly texting, calling, navigating, etc.?” I daresay you would not – and therein lies both the root of and solution to this problem.
GOP’s not helping anyone outside its inner circle
Rudy Giuliani is getting lazy; instead of something original, he’s recycled what the GOP said and did to Barack Obama in 2008 — that the GOP would vote against anything Obama stood for and vowed to “get him” no matter what. Guess all that obstruction over eight years wore the Democrats down to be more like the GOP; that is, stand up against the majority. The only difference is you know the GOP is lying is because their lips are moving. They don’t know how to govern (Paul Ryan admitted it), so their approach to governing is to lie and redirect. I’m surprised the GOP hasn’t gotten around to blaming the Democrats for hurricanes, floods, gun violence, inflation, etc. They’re too busy kissing Trump’s behind and campaigning. Diversion, lying, hating everyone not in their rich inner circle, campaigning, loving dictators, criticizing allies and wasting taxpayer money are what the GOP does best.
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