Religious zealotry isn’t welcome here

It is unbelievable and sad the religious zealots protesting the firing of Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran don’t see the irony in their quest for “religious freedom.” Cochran was fired for not clearing his book through the proper channels of Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, but also for the looming specter of possible lawsuits from Cochran’s LGBT employees. Cochran said he never meant to offend the LGBT community. How did he think we’d react to his drivel about homosexuality being akin to bestiality and pederasty?

Thanks for letting us know how God views gays and lesbians, Kelvin. And to the Southern Baptists, Family Research Council and others who are screaming for religious freedom: Do you seriously think Jesus Christ would consider you to be true Christians? Most Americans want freedom from your religion and arrogant self-righteousness. So take your “Christian” propaganda and get it out of our government and out of our faces.


Review policy on closing freeways

The city of Atlanta and state of Georgia need to review public policy on shutting down freeway lanes at an accident site. While the recent pedestrian fatality on I-285 is tragic (“A death snarls thousands,” News, Jan. 23), shutting down all lanes for several hours is preposterous. The first priority in an accident is to help the victims and keep them safe or, in the case of fatalities, extricate them. Once that is done, two things need to happen simultaneously: Investigate the accident by taking pictures, making measurements and taking statements while at the same time moving or clearing off the debris and start reopening lanes as quickly as possible. The freeways are there for a purpose, and the sooner that purpose is realized, the better it is for everyone, including others who have urgent business elsewhere.


Boehner sounds warning on Iran

President Barack Obama need not fear that House Speaker John Boehner is staging a coup. Prime Minister Netanyahu is trying to be re-elected as Israel’s head of state and has no designs on the Oval Office. Boehner knew Netanyahu was coming to America to address the AIPAC conference and extended an invitation to him because of his expertise on Iran. While Iran claims it seeks nuclear energy solely for peaceful purposes, it frequently announces that it intends to wipe Israel off the map and can do it with one bomb. A nuclear-armed Iran would also threaten Sunni Muslim nations in the Middle East and pose a threat to America. Obama refuses to acknowledge this danger. I applaud Boehner for ignoring protocol if that’s what it takes to alert Congress and the American people to Netanyahu’s message.