Social Security problems may get worse
A letter-writer recently asked someone to do something about the problem of Medicare consuming his Social Security increase, noting that during their working years, seniors paid into Social Security and Medicare to protect their twilight years (“Seniors caught in inflation quagmire,” Readers Write, Dec. 31).
I suggest he take a look at the financial projections of the federal government. The CBO produces them at least annually. Last January, CBO reported anticipated additional debt of $9.4 trillion by 2027, bringing the total to nearly $30 trillion. For 2027, income and spending were forecast at $5.1 trillion and $6.5 trillion, respectively, producing a 2027 deficit of $1.4 trillion. The recently enacted tax act will make these numbers a bit worse. Note that the debt-to-income ratio will be grossly disproportionate, potentially fulfilling the Government Accountability Office’s 2007 prediction (when debt was less than $9 trillion) that the nation’s debts will “spiral out of control.”
If the government’s debts spiral out of control, the senior’s worries will be erased, as there will be no Social Security or Medicare, or government of the nature he experienced throughout his lifetime.
Apple duping addicted customers
Oh Apple, you are such a disappointment.
For $29, I can have a new battery. I don’t have to spend $1,000 on a new phone that I don’t really need. Unfortunately, you have been hiding this fact from me. This reminds me of Google’s old slogan: Don’t be evil (they stopped using that a while ago). Sorry Apple, you can candy-coat it any way you want, but I don’t believe your explanation for slowing down the iPhone. I believe your intent was somewhat evil — duping the addicted cellphone user into purchasing a new and very expensive phone.
Let’s see if the rich return their savings
The filthy rich will receive enormous reductions in their taxes as a result of Trump’s new tax bill. None have made any statements regarding rejection of this money, nor what they will do with it philanthropically. Some members of this group who are left-wing anti-Trumpians are: Mark Warner; Dianne Feinstein; Nancy Pelosi; Hillary and Bill Clinton; John Kerry; Al Gore; Michael Bloomberg; Barack Obama; Beyonce; Madonna; Lady Gaga; Brad Pitt; Jimmy Buffett; George Soros; Michael Moore; numerous athletes who have kneeled, etc., etc.
Apparently, the call of money is not only bipartisan, but is completely void of political and social ideals.
Ramirez cartoon wrong in many ways
If a picture is worth 1,000 words, I have my work cut out for me responding to Michael Ramirez’s opinion cartoon from Jan. 2. But here it goes. In his cartoon, Ramirez joins a chorus of pundits who see the cold snap in the U.S. as evidence against global warming – but this is seriously flawed logic. What Ramirez ignores is that global warming has two words: “warming,” sure, but also “global.” So, yes, it is cold in our little corner of the planet at this moment, but everywhere else is warmer than average. Furthermore, climatologists expect extreme cold snaps in certain areas as the Arctic warms and disrupts the jet stream.
The more subtle problem with the cartoon is that it assumes political pundits should comment on atmospheric chemistry. To the contrary, science should come from scientists, and how we respond to that science is the true political issue.
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