Even media’s aghast at pro-abortion proposals

Wow, the so-called liberally biased news is reporting that numerous blue states want to have abortion on demand even when the infant is crowning in the womb. ABC noted that ending it OOW (out-of-womb) is legal in the Netherlands, North Korea, China, Canada and Vietnam. That’ll help Democrats in 2020. Right?


Bias keeps conservative columnist from reality

One of the most effective ways to avoid seeing the reality of a situation is to find the most extreme fringe element and build an argument there. Michelle Malkin does this masterfully in her column on the Covington High kids incident (“Covington Rorschach test shows liberal PC pathology,” Opinion, Jan. 24), when she focuses most of her attention on the internet trolls who found video of kids at the school making a benign hand gesture. See, no racism, right? Malkin needs to know that most liberals don’t go looking for racism. In most cases, we have been forced to acknowledge, with heavy hearts, the actual experience of people of color in our country as we take the time to listen. As much as she feels liberals are biased to find racism, Malkin is profoundly biased to not find it.


Hoping liberal entertainers don’t ruin Super Bowl

I normally do not get involved in speculation about trivial matters like sporting events, but it is difficult to ignore this one and the potential for Atlanta to “screw it up.” I have this uneasy feeling that when it’s over, metro Atlantans will be embarrassed. Unfortunately there is little control over the side show performers, halftime show, and related events. The temptation is just too great for some of these people to use their moment in the spotlight to make a social statement about their perceived mistreatment at the hands of, you name it, the president, police, the NFL, employers, etc. They overlook the fact that they live and work in a place where they have unprecedented opportunity for social and financial success. They are in the best place at the best time in the history of mankind. I hope the event proceeds without issue. and I’ll be surprised if that happens.


GOP focus should be country, not party

Conservative columnist George Will absolutely nailed it with his identification of why our government is in a dysfunctional standstill. It’s Republicans putting party before country. As Will points out, Senator Lindsey Graham, who once denounced Trump as a jackass who is unfit for office, now thinks “this party’s identify and survival depend on servile obedience to this president’s myopia,” thereby violating the constitutional separation of powers detailed in Article 1. Republican legislators actively cede that power and responsibility to the president’s whims because they see this as a way to save their party. What about saving the country?


Pitts wrongly judges people by skin color

Leonard Pitts has a one-track mind, and it’s a “race” track. His latest screed compares Covenant Catholic teen Nick Sandmann to Hitler’s SS and Alabama’s 1960s racist troopers (“Indelible image captures nation near breaking point,” Opinion, Jan. 27). Why does the AJC give voice to Pitts’ reprehensible rhetoric?

Sandmann and his classmates were minding their own business after the March for Life in Washington. As several black racists curse and insult them, an unfamiliar man approaches, rudely banging his drum and chanting in Sandmann’s face. Sandmann stands in place in silence.

Through the distorted lenses of his race-imbued glasses, Pitts considers Sandmann and his classmates the villains in “this cauldron of ideology and identity.” Obsessed with race, Pitts judges all people by the color of their skin.