Neither Reagan nor Kennedy in sight
As an admittedly biased moderate independent conservative, I feel I must respond to Mary Sanchez’ column, “Will anti-immigrant rants sink Trump or catch fire?” (Opinion, Aug. 25). First, I strongly disapprove of calling anyone a fool, especially a businessman. Mary Sanchez is so committed to the leftist, liberal, illegal-immigrant-welcoming side of our population that her extreme bias is undeniable. We so-called “silent majority” Americans only wish one of the candidates with acceptable political credentials would have the courage to do what Donald Trump is trying to do. Where is there a Ronald Reagan or a John F. Kennedy, among them?
Living child needs protections, too
I read the article about Casey Cagle wanting to end funding for Planned Parenthood clinics in Georgia (“Lt. governor seeks to cut Ga. funding,” Metro, Aug. 27). It made me think that if Republicans were at least half as interested in protecting the living child as they are with the unborn child, then maybe something could get done about childhood poverty, hunger, achievement gaps in education, and access to health care through the expansion of Medicaid. I doubt that will happen, as it goes against the Republicans’ class warfare agenda in which they believe most benefits of government action should go to the upper class and major corporations.
Be more careful with your branding
Regarding “Mercedes-Benz makes splash with stadium” (Metro, Aug. 25), one wonders if the powers that be at Mercedes-Benz realize they have appended their signature brand of luxury automobiles to a building housing the sports franchise equivalent of a 1975 AMC Pacer. Perhaps it’s all about soccer.
Reporters should back colleague
When Donald Trump had a newsman ejected from his press conference (“Hispanic TV anchor irks Trump,” News, Aug. 26), why didn’t every reporter and cameraman follow their colleague out the door? It’s simple. No words, no pictures, no Trump. Imagine that.
Online voting could fall prey to hackers
This is in response to the letter, “Online voting good for democracy” (Opinion, Aug. 21). Not a wise idea. With hackers seemingly all over the place and apparently able to pry into some of the most closely guarded databases, wouldn’t online voting be a choice target of such geeks? Imagine the consequences that might ensue if hackers could sell their online votes to the highest bidder. Political catastrophe!
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