Khan blind to wrongs of Clinton
Poor Mr. Khan, my heart goes out to his family for their loss. But the rich irony cannot go overlooked. When and where has he publicly denounced the wars Hillary voted for? Or her failed foreign policies which have set the world on fire and created ISIS? Has he acknowledged and condemned the fanatical wing of Islam even once in an interview? Has he implored moderate imams to denounce any actions like Nice or the beheading of the priest in Normandy?
No, it’s all about Trump, the true patriot in this race. Hillary has and will continue to profit from collusion with enemies of the U.S. through her foundation and her State department violations as outlined by FBI director Comey.
Mr. Khan started this at the Democrat convention by incorrectly interpreting the Constitution and attacking Trump. Khan has let a deadly tragedy blind him to the equally deadly possibility, to America as we know it, of a Hillary presidency.
Georgians must act to stop climate threat
The U.S. Navy predicts Georgia’s nuclear sub base will flood as much as 170 times per year within 30 years. Think of the explosive costs of flooding bases around the country. Add to that the cost of a flooding Savannah port, a vital component of Georgia’s economy. Now add in the loss of tourism and damage to private property and businesses. The threat is staggering. Congress can prevent this by putting a price on greenhouse gases, which can also create jobs, grow the economy and help us transition to a cleaner, healthier world. This transition may be a challenge but it’s doable if we insist Congress takes action. Future generations of Georgians are counting on us.
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