A black bear that killed two dogs and totaled an SUV in Longwood has been captured and euthanized, officials with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission confirmed.
FWC personnel went to The Estates at Springs Landing at 2:30 a.m. Friday and tranquilized the bear, officials said.
Biologists killed the adult female because her escalating conflict behavior posed a threat to human safety, the FWC said.
One of the two cubs that was with the bear was captured and released in the Ocala National Forest, away from developed areas, the FWC said.
FWC biologists will continue to monitor the area for the remaining yearling, and if appropriate will attempt to capture it, officials said.
Rabies testing is being done on the carcass of the female bear because it attacked two dogs, officials said.
FWC officials believe the bear attacked several dogs and, just days ago, broke into the side door of a secured garage and got inside another car.
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