When is it appropriate to leave children at home by themselves?

There's no right or wrong answer to the question, which parents answer differently.

The National SAFEKIDS Campaign recommends that no child under the age of 12 be left at home alone, but individual states have laws and guidelines that require children to be of a certain age before being left alone.

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A graphic uploaded to Facbook by Mique Provost, blogger and founder of the site Thirty Handmade Days, offers some insight.

Provost, who wrote in a blog post that she started babysitting for other kids when she was 10, is one of many who say times have changed. 

Most commenters said the decision to leave a child at home alone should be gauged by maturity rather than age.

Many people made reference to differences in responsibility among older generations and younger generations.

"Every child is so different," Provost wrote.

Provost also offered other questions to consider for parents considering whether or not to leave their children alone: