Video: Tree falls on kids in Massachusetts playground

Two children suffered "significant injuries" Monday evening after a large tree fell on them in a park.One of the victims, 8-year-old Diego Ruiz has staples in his head and bruises on his shoulder, but is lucky to be alive after the tree came crashing down on him while he was in Chelsea's Washington Park Wednesday. (Source:

"It was scary," he said. "And the tree fell on my head and then I can't escape."

Diego doesn't remember much. He said one minute he was watching a video and the next, he was trapped under tree limbs.

When asked if he heard any noise before the tree, Diego said, "I just hear the wind."

And Diego wasn't the only child who was trapped. Two-year-old David Mancia was treated for a possible fractured skull. His sister told FOX25 that doctors at Boston Children's Hospital were determining whether to operate, but she said her little brother had already shown positive signs.

"Yesterday, he said one word to my sister," she said. "And today he spoke to my mother asking where all my little brothers are."

She went on to say, "He's my little champion."

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Fox25 also tracked down the DPW director, who brought in an arborist to do a full assessment of all of the trees in the park, which was closed on Tuesday.

"It's pretty disturbing when you watch the video that the thing just toppled over without any indication," the DPW director said.

He said the park was re-designed roughly two years ago and, as part of that process, an expert inspected the trees and determined which should stay and which should go.

The arborist that inspected the park Tuesday is expected to report back to the city Wednesday about which trees he wants to more aggressively inspect.

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