In a series of heartbreaking posts to his blog, Rory Feek has consistently given family, friends and fans a look into the daily life of his dear wife, Joey, as she battles the last stages of cancer.

And often, it has made us all feel uncomfortable.

Maybe it was how it wasn’t so long ago that Joey looked so full of life, and now she remains just a shell of her once vibrant self. Maybe it’s the pictures of her now bald head or the hospital bed in the middle of her family’s home or the way her dear daughter, Indiana, still looks at her with an innocence and a love that is only possible between a mother and daughter. Or maybe, just maybe, it was because we all wondered if they were sharing too much. Maybe these moments were meant to be private. Maybe Joey would not want to be seen around the world in such a fragile space.

But in a Nov. 29 blog post titled Braver Than Me, Rory spoke of the discussions that he has had with Joey, and the fact that they are truly on the same page when it comes to sharing everything — including the story of what just might be their last dance.

"A few days ago, on the last day Joey walked, I took her in my arms in the living room and once more put her hand in mine and we danced.  She steadied with her cane and I softly moved her across the room singing George Strait's 'You Look So Good In Love' in her ear.  In the middle of the song though, as I was being careful not to step on her toes – she stopped and looked up at me and said, 'How about if I lead?' And I followed her lead as we slowly two-stepped on her mama's living room floor. Like dancing, she wants to do this right, or not do it at all… to share the good, the bad, and the beautiful. And so we will."

Click here to read the full post.