Wednesday’s editorials take a look at Georgia standardized tests, Jeff Sessions’ future, presidential pardons and Obamacare ‘Death Panels.’

Here are some opinions from the Right and from the Left.

Opinions from the Left

Developing a road map for educational excellence.

The Georgia Milestones Assessment Test results were released last week and you’ll, no doubt be hearing a lot about the results.

This is not okay

Trump is betraying the rule of law.

The big bully takes on the Eagle Scout

Sessions' only choice may be how he goes. It depends on how much humiliation one man can take.

Opinions from the Right 

I.R.S ,debt deficit or buying presidency concept. Large pile of money in front of the White house.

Credit: DigtialStorm

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Credit: DigtialStorm

Why are Republicans trouncing Democrats in fundraising?

All of which makes it notable that the Republican National Committee is trouncing the Democratic National Committee when it comes to raising money, especially from small donors.

Dershowitz: Can the president pardon himself?

President Trump's tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear!

The deadline to kill the Death Panel

If the House acts fast, it can abolish a bad Obamacare provision.

In case you missed it on MyAJC: