A mother’s Facebook rant has gone viral, with millions of views and counting.
Valerie Starks shamed her 13-year-old daughter for posting racy pictures online, and claiming to be 19.
The Denver mother says her daughter has done this four times. She’s hoping this viral video will end her daughter’s dangerous practices on Facebook.
“We have established in the last few seconds that you’re not a freak, that you don’t sit at home with a bra on. You don’t wear makeup,” said Starks.
Starks admits her parenting style isn’t for everyone, but she says it’s worked for her child. She hopes the video sparks conversation and spares other kids.
In an interview with ABC News, Starks explained why she chose an unconventional parenting style.
"Anybody could have coerced her into meeting her in a park, and she would have thought it was a 13-year-old boy but it [could have been] a grown man who wants to do bodily harm — and the coroners could have been coming to my house," Starks told ABC News. "I would rather embarrass her and done this than to go to a morgue and verify my child's body."