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ResponsibleOhio is using Buddie - a superhero with a green head shaped like a marijuana bud - to visit college campuses and attract voters over 21 to vote to legalize marijuana in Ohio.
On Nov. 3, Ohio voters will decide on Issue 3 which would legalize marijuana for medical and recreational use.
Buddie has visited some college campuses already, including the University of Toledo.
ResponsibleOhio is also expected soon to challenge the official ballot language for Issue 3 in the Ohio Supreme Court.
Husted announced Tuesday that State Issue 3’s title is, “Grants a monopoly for the commercial production and sale of marijuana for recreational and medicinal purposes.”
ResponsibleOhio Executive Director Ian James, who is the mastermind behind Issue 3, is promising to contest the titles, along with ballot summary language approved last week.
Issue 3 is a constitutional amendment to legalize and regulate marijuana for recreational and medical purposes, allow limited home grow, and designate 10 parcels controlled by ResponsibleOhio investors as the only commercial marijuana growing sites.
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