After too many incidents of busting students with marijuana, one Oklahoma school district superintendent Roger Hemphill decided to reinstate the school’s drug-testing policy.
“We passed out the paperwork Thursday morning,” Hemphill said.
He expected some students to panic at the thought of being drug tested.
“They were drinking water. They were trying to flush their system. It was kind of comical,” Hemphill said.
However, soon afterward, a student confessed to Hemphill that she sold meth to Nathan Cato, an agriculture teacher at the school.
“You could have knocked me out of the chair with a feather, I was just so flabbergasted,” Hemphill said.
He said he immediately called police and the school’s attorney.
The District 18 Drug Task Force then took Cato into custody.
Hemphill said Cato, who has taught at the school for nine years, was loved by many students and staff.
Cato is charged with possessing drugs in the presence of a minor. The charge carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.
The minor involved in selling the drugs is also facing charges.