Here’s a look at what has happened to key people and activities in the year since the April 20, 2010, disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.
Gulf drilling
A deepwater drilling moratorium imposed after the disaster was lifted Oct. 12. Operators must follow strict new rules and show they have the ability to contain a deepwater blowout.
The Gulf
An Associated Press survey of researchers shows scientists rating the health of the Gulf of Mexico as nearly back to normal a year after the spill. However, muting their optimism are significant declines in key health indicators such as the sea floor, dolphins and oysters.
A joint U.S. Coast Guard-Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Regulation and Enforcement investigative panel is expected to release preliminary findings soon on the disaster’s causes. BP and a presidential commission have released their own findings pointing to a cascade of technical and managerial failures.
As of last month, the number of BP employees and contractors working the spill was roughly 2,000, company spokesman Scott Dean said. There were 48,000 at the height of the spill.
BP executives
CEO Tony Hayward was ousted from his job and replaced by American Bob Dudley, who took over the British company Oct. 1. Hayward was transferred to a BP affiliate in Russia.
Spill claims
The $20 billion fund set up by BP to compensate victims has doled out only about $3.8 billion to roughly 176,000 claimants, and oil spill victims complain of a cumbersome process. Claims chief Ken Feinberg said he only expects about half the fund to be needed to pay everyone.
More than 300 lawsuits filed against BP and the other companies involved with the rig were consolidated in federal court in New Orleans. A trial next year will assign percentages of fault to BP and the other companies. Under the Oil Pollution Act, BP’s liability for economic damages would be capped at $75 million. But BP has waived the cap and has paid billions while Transocean, operator of the rig that exploded, is seeking to limit its damages. Today is the deadline for people to file claims against Transocean for damages that may result from the trial.
Transocean plans to fly relatives of the 11 dead to the disaster site today. Families then will be flown from Louisiana to Houston for a private service.
Victims’ relatives
Several families of the 11 men who died aboard the Deepwater Horizon are pressing legal claims against the companies involved. Transocean has settled with at least five families for an undisclosed amounts. BP hasn’t settled with any, and many of the families say they have heard little to nothing from the company since the disaster.
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