While the violence seems to have died down in Ferguson, Missouri, protests calling for civil disobedience continue.

During a peaceful protest march Saturday, organizers shared plans to halt St. Louis traffic on Labor Day.

At the march, organizers asked supporters to drive onto local highways around 4:30 p.m. Monday and stop their cars for 4 1/2 minutes — symbolizing the four and a half hours Michael Brown's body laid in the street after he was killed.

ZAKI BARUTI: “If some of our demands are not dealt with, you’ll see more civil disobedience in the spirit of Dr. King, because we’re not just going to sit by and just let injustice be constantly impacting us.”

Three weeks ago, the unarmed teenager was shot and killed by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. While details about what led up to that shooting are still scarce, the community has been calling for action against the officer and other Ferguson officials ever since.

Protestors are demanding the arrest of Wilson, the resignation of the Ferguson police chief and mayor, and prosecution from an independent prosecutor in the case. They are saying they will not back down until that happens.

Police have not yet responded how they plan to deal with possibly hundred of cars stopping suddenly on the highways.

Saturday also saw hundreds gather in Ohio to protest the shooting death of 22-year-old John Crawford.

Crawford, an African-American man, was shot and killed earlier this month  at a Walmart by two white police offers following reports a man was waving a gun. Crawford was carrying an air rifle when he was killed.

Protesters say that shooting was unjustified and believe race played a role. They are asking for the Walmart security footage to be released to the public and for a federal investigation.

President Barack Obama spoke out earlier this month saying the "gulf of mistrust" between police and African Americans can not go ignored.