As protesters made one last stand, the Boy Scouts of America’s leadership began a conference Wednesday that was expected to culminate in a long-anticipated vote on whether to allow openly gay Scouts — a decision that, either way, could deeply affect the organization’s membership and funding.

Scouting leaders from around the country gathered at a resort near the youth organization’s suburban Dallas headquarters, for their annual national meeting. The three-day meeting is being closely watched because Scout officials have scheduled a vote on a resolution that would not allow youth Scouts to be excluded based only on sexual orientation. The ban on gay adult leaders would remain in place.

Conservatives and some religious groups have opposed the plan, which is backed by gay-rights supporters. National groups on both sides have organized protests and campaigns to woo the approximately 1,400 members of the national council who will cast ballots.

The meeting was closed to the public, with staffers and security watching for protesters and the media. About two dozen people holding up signs saying “NO on the resolution” stood on the sidewalk outside the entrance. Meanwhile, supporters of the change gathered at a resort across the street, holding a meeting they dubbed the “Equal Scouting Summit.”

Speaking on both sides were current and former Eagle Scouts who had worked years to achieve Scouting’s highest rank. They recited parts of the Scout Oath and the 12-point Scout Law — from “trustworthy” to “reverent” — to make their separate cases.

Dave McGrath and one of his six sons, Joe, rode their bicycles from Idaho to Texas to support Scouts for Equality, which has organized rallies in several cities. McGrath, 48, said he had two children and a brother who are gay and that he considered the current exclusion policy a “taint” on his Eagle Scout honor.

“So a Scout is trustworthy, unless you’re gay,” McGrath said. “That isn’t the way I was raised.”

Meanwhile, John Wade, a former Eagle from Tennessee who now is a minister, called the possible change an extreme departure from what he described as Scouting’s roots in Biblical values.

“I think that it really presents a danger as well as a conflict of interest to what BSA was originally started as,” said Wade, 26.

The debate is deeply emotional for many people on both sides, who talked about their experiences in Scouting and their worry about what would happen next.

Thursday’s expected vote brings an end to a fight that has resembled a political campaign.

Opponents of a change sent mailings to voting members, after fighting to get the names and addresses voters from BSA, by citing a Texas requirement that required any voting member to see the full list, said John Stemberger, organizer of They also scheduled 40 rallies across the country on the same day last week.

Supporters of allowing gay scouts used a political consulting firm and targeted about 120 local Scouting councils that they thought were the most competitive — the “swing districts” where they thought votes could be won. Zach Wahls, founder of Scouts for Equality, said earlier this week that they believed to have about 300 “yes” votes confirmed through public announcements and internal conversations, with perhaps 100 or so leaning yes.

“We’ve done everything that we can,” Wahls said. “We feel like we are very prepared for any outcome.”

No one will know for sure, however, until BSA announces the results Thursday evening.