With the help of some film archivists, 102-year-old Alice Barker had the chance to see herself on video, in her youth for the first time. Though she says little, the emotion in her eyes is apparent.

A chorus line dancer in the 1930s and '40s, many of Barker's performances were captured on film, but she'd never actually seen them.

According to Time, Barker even danced with the likes of Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly. She performed in movies, commercials and TV shows.

Laying in a hospital bed, she seems mesmerized by the videos, even asking to watch them again.

When asked what she thinks of the chance to see herself in her heyday, her response is sad and sweet all at once.

“It makes me wish I could get out of this bed and do it all over again,” Barker said.

Barker's trip down memory lane was posted to the YouTube channel Tenfresh, and the video was surfaced by Mark Cantor and Jazz On Film.

At the end of the video, Barker sums up her reaction, saying it was "fabulous to see these and remember all these things that was happening."

She added, "I used to often say to myself, I am being paid to do something that I enjoy doing, and I would do it for free because it just felt so good doing it."