Eric Trump, the president’s third child, erroneously said he’s part of the LGBT community Tuesday in a Fox News interview and suffered a terrible fate: getting made fun of on the internet.
Trump, who has been married to his wife, Lara, since 2014, said later Tuesday that he is not actually a part of the LGBT community and that he misspoke, Out reported.
“The LGBT community, they are incredible,” Trump, 36, said. “And you should see how they come out in full force for my father every single day. I’m part of that community, and we love the man.”
“We, the gay committee, have had an emergency meeting and we have rejected Eric Trump’s application,” journalist Erica Lenti replied.
President Donald Trump talks big game about support from LGBT people, but he has provided little evidence, and his administration has often attacked LGBT rights.
Very few people actually believed Eric Trump was coming out in his statement.
“I don’t think Eric Trump came out as gay. I think he came out as someone who doesn’t know how to structure a sentence,” actor and writer Michael Creighton wrote.
But that didn’t stop the jokes.
“Eric Trump threw the first brick at Stonewall after demolishing it to build condos,” journalist David Mack wrote.
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