Massachusetts waitress receives $236 tip at TGI Friday’s

A Massachusetts waitress working at a TGI Friday's received an early Christmas gift as a family tipped her $236.67 for a meal that cost $63.33, WPRI reported.

Kay-Dene Lewis is a student who works at the North Attleboro restaurant. Last Friday she was working her normal shift when she noticed the receipt book and saw she was given a tip of $236.67, which rounded the total up to $300.

“I was just like in shock and everyone else was in shock, and we were all screaming,” she told WPRI. “It was just a really great moment.”

The family of four did not give a reason for the big tip, but told Lewis to have a Merry Christmas, WPRI reported.

“It was the biggest tip I have ever had,” Lewis said. “I am so grateful.”

Lewis plans on using the money to buy Christmas gifts for her family and pay it forward after the holiday season.

“All this week and probably the rest of my life, I’m always going to try to do things like that to make other people feel the way I felt,” she told WPRI.