West Lawrenceville Street in Duluth will be closed for construction of upgraded pedestrian facilities April 24 through May 4. Through traffic will not be permitted, however, access to parking for Epicurean and at Parsons Alley for Dreamland BBQ, Personify, and Simply Done Donuts will be accessible from the Hill Street/West Lawrenceville Street intersection and the new driveway at Parsons Alley, as well as the lot entrance on Hill Street. Additional parking throughout downtown will remain open at all times. All businesses will remain open and fully accessible during construction. Detours will be posted.

The Duluth City Council approved the project recently with Christian Brothers Inc. for $88,639 to reconstruct the pedestrian crossing on West Lawrenceville Street adjacent to The Block. The contract will include reconstruction of the pedestrian crossing and repaving from the crossing to the new traffic signal at Main Street.

Unallocated 2014 SPLOST transportation funds will be added to The Block - Downtown Development - Site Improvements budget to cover this expense.