Hunter Harris, a junior at Union Grove High School, has been selected as one of 12 scholarship recipients nationwide for the Goethe Institut’s initiative known as “Discover a New Path – Explore Germany.”
He will be traveling Nov. 28 to Dec. 7 with all expenses paid. The itinerary begins with a visit to the Goethe Institut in Chicago, then to Berlin for a tour of several engineering and science-related facilities. He will be staying with a German host family and attending the tours with German students, speaking in their native language most of the time. Harris has been a dual enrollee at Clayton State University since his sophomore year and will have amassed 50 credit hours at the college by the end of this semester.
Under the Regency Engineering Transfer Program, he expects to receive a bachelor’s degree from Georgia Tech by age 20.
He is in his third year of German and is already fluent in Spanish.
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