Duluth has chosen Stewart Brothers to complete the 2018 Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant (LMIG) Project Full Depth Reclamation project on River Summit Drive, Thornbrooke Court and Thornbrooke Place. Full-depth reclamation takes older asphalt pavement and recycles it create a new roadway. The old asphalt is pulverized, mixed with cement and water, and compacted to produce a strong, durable base. New asphalt is then placed on top of the stronger base.

LMIG is provided by the Georgia Department of Transportation and is funded by the motor fuel tax.

The contract with Stewart Brothers is not to exceed $700,915. This includes a 10 percent contingency and up to $32,665 to MCSquared (on-call provider) for construction oversight, engineering review and materials testing. This funds the base bid and one alternate. Funds will come from the LMIG and 2017 SPLOST.