In the first week after posting, City Schools Decatur had 38 people nationwide applying for the newly created leadership position of Equity Director.

The job's primary purpose is reducing disproportionality throughout CSD in academics, discipline and participation, while also providing professional learning for staff.

Superintendent David Dude said that while many districts nationwide have similarly titled positions, he doesn’t know of any with this specific model. Implementing the charge could take the Equity Director many years or, as Dude said, “it’ll be more like turning a barge than a tugboat.”

The equity director is the only brand new job in Dude’s restructuring of CSD’s administration. He’s created 10 district leadership positions out of the current nine department heads.

Counting the Equity Director there are five administrative positions open. The Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction is the only other district leadership job open, with three cabinet level leadership jobs posted: Athletics Director, Student Services Coordinator and Special Education Director.