Unfortunately the government, aka politicians, are interested in getting re-elected not in staying within budget.
If I found a way to make $5,000 per day on the Internet, why in the world would I waste my time posting comments about it and trying to get people to go to a website? I'd rather be making the next $5,000.
Before you investigate a 'fantastic' opportunity, ask yourself if you're greedy or desperate. Yes to either or both means you are about to be conned and robbed.
Fifty million people died in World War II. It's was horrible to use the bomb but it was the best choice; if not how many more millions would have died?
You can't beat an oversized ego for laughs. Keep it up Trump! We're all getting a kick out of it.
So AT&T can buy DirecTV because the merger won't hurt competition. Please someone tell me what is competition. It's either AT&T or Comcast. How is that competition. If we had competition then I would have cable.
Hard to know who's better at slinging hogwash: Donald Trump for claiming to be worth 8 billion dollars, or Hillary Clinton claiming to be broke.
"Disability" got out of hand when attorneys starting taking cases and only got paid if they won for you.
'Religious' business owners who own and rent living spaces, please remember the foundation of your beliefs of how to treat others.
It appears the Army recruiting station had bullet proof (resistant) glass which is why no casualties there! Somebody was thinking ahead!
Do you guys have a newspaper dart board to pick out what you're going to be outraged with the president about?
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